Recently AI has become a hot topic, with many tools appearing to help us with our daily tasks.
While I don’t think it’s useful to use text-generating AI for writing a journal, since the point of journaling is to write about your own experiences, I found that AI image generation is a great way to enhance my journaling.
At the end of the day, after finishing writing my journal entry, I think of a sentence
that represents my day and let AI imagine what it looks like, in a style of a painting or a photo.
I feed this sentence as a prompt to the image generating program and save the output to
my journal in Mémoires. (I also type the original sentence as a caption under it.)
Camping near a mountain, enjoying the beautiful scenery, realistic painting.

Three people meeting at a cafe under a tree, black and white pencil drawing.

Here’s how to do it
If you want to try it yourself, I recommend one of the following tools that use Stable Diffusion
to generate images on your Mac without sending anything to the cloud, for ultimate privacy:
Download and launch the app, then type out your sentence as a prompt, and click “Generate”.
If you don’t like the result, try generating again with the same prompt or, perhaps,
try a slightly different prompt.

If you use DiffusionBee, click on the burger menu next to the image and select “Upscale Image”
to make it larger.
Save the image somewhere and then drag it into your entry in Mémoires. (Since Mémoires
can store multiple entries per day, I prefer to save images under a separate entry called “Pic of the day”.)
That’s it! Happy journaling… with AI!